Thursday, December 8, 2011

We all leave this earth one way or another...

Sometimes taken before our time. unexpectedly. My dad's brother was shot at gunfire yesterday. Life taken a bit too early. He was father and a service member to our country. I haven't seen him since I was a kid, but you know it hits home, when the thoughts of, "even though I haven't seen you in a while, I'll never get to see you, ever". It's a strange, overwhelming feeling, the idea of dying. Whether or not it will be peacefully, at a young age or in my old age when I've lived a full complete life. Who knows? I don't plan on wasting time and I don't regret anything I've done in my life thus far. I'm honest, I'm simple and I do what I want. I love my family and friends. I choose wisely. To my family, I love all of you every day and every day a little bit more. Life is short. Time never stops. Gotta keep moving. Be productive. Be happy. Enjoy the scenery. Travel often, it's humbling.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A lot has changed in the last year and half.

It's been a year and half since i posted. I figured I would start again. I live in Brooklyn, New York. I moved here a month and a half ago not knowing that I was actually moving here. I thought I was just taking a vacation from my vacation to visit some friends. But landed a job, an apartment, great roommates and few good friends. Literally. I've had a lot of time to think and a lot of time in a different mind set these last two years. My three strings of bad luck, if you want to call it that, happened in October of 2009. It's a little over 2 years since then and I'm just realizing that that was my game changer up until now. I want to live my life in simple sort of way. Doesn't everyone? I want to enjoy my family and tell them I love them everyday. I want to treat my body well and not torture it like i did in my early 20's. Life is simple. I plan on enjoying it. Stress free and with a big smile on my face. People in New York walk so fast, I've picked up my pace a bit but still enjoying the scenery. My imagination is running wild. Looking forward to the next year and many after that.